Discover • Connect • Prevent
The DEA has joined forces with Discovery Education to provide no-cost online tools that support every member of the community with the power of prevention. Help kickstart life-saving conversations today with standards-aligned English & Spanish-language resources for students in grades 3-12, plus additional resources designed for educators, families, and professionals.

School Resources

Opioids and Prescription Drugs
Equip students in grades 3-12 with the knowledge and refusal skills they need to make smart decisions and manage stress the healthy way.
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Multi-Drug Exploratory
Support communities touched by all forms of substance misuse with a comprehensive 6-part video series for students in grades 3-8.
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Workplace Resources
Acknowledging the reality of opioid misuse in the workplace is a productive step for any business, and a benefit to every community.

Culture-Based prevention Resources
Help address the opioid crisis through interactive lessons based on Native history and approaches to wellness and prevention.

Virtual Field Trip
Empower middle and high school students to confront the realities of substance misuse with engaging virtual explorations that bring life-saving conversations to life.
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Parent Toolkit
Parents can join the conversation with this family discussion starter. Additional information on the warning signs of prescription opioid misuse and a guide to prevention and intervention empower families to reach out.
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The Science of Addiction
The Stories of Teens
Meet teens who are struggling with prescription opioid misuse and heroin use and learn the science behind their powerful stories in this self-paced, standards-aligned e-learning experience, The Science of Addiction: The Stories of Teens.
About the Program
The DEA and Discovery Education have created Operation Prevention to provide communities of every kind with proactive digital tools to raise awareness about the dangers of substance misuse. Available TODAY in every school, home, and state in the nation, this empowering educational initiative is designed to inspire life-changing conversations and equip people from all walks of life with the knowledge and refusal skills they need to succeed.
Learn More About The Program